Mike Slinn

Is Evolving!

NextGen ScalaCourses.com Is Coming

Mike Slinn is presently reworking this website – this is a fresh start using completely different technology. The Scala course material is being completely refreshed, reorganized and heavily pruned. The website will relaunch when ready.

11 Years Online

Mike registered Scalacourses.com on Nov 23, 2012 and the website went live the same day. It was implemented as a Scala 2.10 Play Framework application and ran on Ubuntu and Postgres, with a lot of Akka Futures and memoization.

The next iteration of this website will be a Jekyll-generated static site.

Call For Sponsors

Please send an email if you would like to discuss how your company might sponsor this website.

About the Author

Mike Slinn first published “Composable Futures with Akka 2.0” in 2011. The 178-page book discussed Scala 2.9, Akka 2.0, and included a chapter dedicated to Twitter Futures. At this time Scala did not yet have futures, and Akka was open-source. So much has changed since then!

For several years, when Scala was the latest hotness, Mike was an organizer of every Scala user group in the San Francisco Bay area, and he co-ordinated them.

These days Mike is semi-retired, living once again in Canada. Occasionally he works as an expert witness for US federal court cases involving software intellectual property. You can read about his experience as a software expert, if that interests you.

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